Brigantiaea chrysosticta (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hafellner & Bellem.
* Account prepared by Dr J. Hafellner (Graz, Austria).
Lecanora chrysosticta J.D. Hook. et Taylor, Hook. Lond. J. Bot. 3: 642 (1844).
Lectotype (fide Hafellner and Bellemère, loc. cit. p. 246): New Zealand. On bark No 1 J.D. Hooker. BM! Isotypes in FH, VER (material in Massalongo's herbarium in Verona is annotated in Massalongo's hand "Chrysosticta taylorii Massal., nov.gen.").
Thallus greyish-white to pale greenish-grey in shaded situations, matt or shining, smooth to ± granular or uneven, spreading, 5-8(-10) cm diam., ± orbicular, margins well-defined to ± indistinct, usually corticolous, rarely saxicolous. Apothecia sessile, frequent centrally, often crowded, lecanorine (algae in excipulum small and easily overlooked), margins thick, entire, inflexed when young, becoming crenulate with age, disc plane, to 2.5 mm diam., orange-yellow, granular-pruinose. Ascospores colourless 85-125 × 30-45(-50) µm.
N: S: St: Widespread from Bay of Islands (North Auckland) to Port Pegasus (Stewart Id), coastal and inland, lowland to subalpine on a wide range of native trees and shrubs (Cordyline, Dacrydium, Dracophyllum, Griselinia, Fuchsia, Hoheria, Melicytus, Metrosideros, Nothofagus, Phyllocladus, Weinmannia). It is rarely found on the bark of introduced trees (e.g., Populus), and on coastal rocks.