Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Brigantiaea lobulata F.J.Walker & Hafellner

B. lobulata J. Walker et Hafellner, Lichenologist 15: 263 (1983).

* Account prepared by Dr J. Hafellner (Graz, Austria).

Holotype: New Zealand. Southland, Dusky Sound, Cascade Cove. On Nothofagus bark at s.l. February 1969. DJ. Galloway. CHR!

Thallus greenish-grey to grey-white, matt, thin, covered with small, suberect (ascending) somewhat flattened lobules, thallus spreading, to 10 cm diam., corticolous. Apothecia usually present, to 2 mm diam., sessile, constricted at base, plane to somewhat convex, distinctly marginate, disc and margins concolorous, rust-brown or blackish with rust-brown granular pruina. Excipulum biatorine. Hypothecium colourless to brownish. Hymenium colourless 150-200 µm tall, covered with brown anthraquinone crystals. Asci and paraphyses as in genus description. Ascospores 1 per ascus, colourless, muriform, ellipsoid, 80-120 × 25-45 µm.

S: Nelson to Fiordland, west of the Main Divide. On Nothofagus.


B. lobulata appears to be restricted to beech forests west of the Main Divide in South I. It is characterised by the small, suberect lobules which cover the thallus. It is related to B. tabacodes and with it may constitute a species pair.

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