Geranium microphyllum var. obtusatum G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
"Leaves orbicular or broader than long, brownish or reddish brown, pubescent by fine retrorse hairs; segments 3-5-lobed, petioles, peduncles and pedicels pubescent. Flowers white; calyx with long hairs. Carpels silky. Seed striated. Habitat: Grassland from near sea-level to 900 m. . . . a common grassland plant easily separated from the form we refer to the type."
The type specimen (BD 75698, Flagstaff Hill, near Dunedin, G. Simpson and J. S. Thomson) has wiry much-branched stems up to 20 cm. or more long; petioles up to 4 cm. long; lamina (7)-10-(19) mm. diam., lobes 3-5, broad cuneate, 3-toothed to subentire. Sepals and carpels with spreading hairs. Seeds ± 1·5 mm. long, very inconspicuously striate-reticulate.