Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Lythrum L.


Mostly annual or perennial herbs, sometimes small shrubs; stems often quadrangular, especially when young. Lvs opposite, sometimes alternate or whorled, entire. Fls (4)-6-(8)-merous, actinomorphic, often di- or tristylous, usually solitary in upper lf axils, sometimes in small whorled cymes which may form terminal spikes; bracteoles 2. Calyx tube straight, usually tubular, occasionally broad-campanulate, not spurred or pouched at base; epicalyx present. Petals 4-6, usually conspicuous, occasionally inconspicuous or 0, clawed, usually purplish, inserted in lower part of calyx tube. Stamens 2-12, sometimes in 2 series of different lengths. Ovary sessile or nearly so, 2-celled; stigma capitate; ovules 2-numerous in each cell. Capsule enclosed by calyx, septicidal with 2 valves or dehiscing irregularly.


Calyx tube broad-campanulate; petals 0 or apparently so
Calyx tube cylindric; petals conspicuous
Plant hairy; fls in terminal branched spikes, usually dense and whorled
Plants glabrous; fls solitary in the lf axils
Epicalyx segments much < calyx lobes; fls monomorphic (one form of stamen and style arrangement)
Epicalyx segments = calyx lobes; fls tristylous (anthers and stigmas on different levels in different plants)

c. 35 spp., widespread in temperate and subtropical regions. Naturalised spp. 4.

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