Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Teloschistes fasciculatus Hillmann

T. fasciculatus Hillm., Feddes Repert. 49: 176 (1938).

T. fasciculatus var. nodulosus Murray, T.R.S.N.Z. (Bot.) 88: 206 (1960).

Type: New Zealand. Otago, Mt. Maungatua. J.S. Thomson, Herb. Hillm., B - destroyed. Syntype material in CHR.

Thallus fruticose, forming pulvinate clumps, 1-4 cm diam., and to 1 cm tall, saxicolous or muscicolous. Lobes erect, interlaced, narrow, 3-10 mm long and 0.15-0.5 mm wide, yellow-orange to orange-red, sparingly branched, smooth and whitish beneath except in upper portions, flat or canaliculate above, sparingly fibrillose on margins, fibrils concolorous with thallus, 0.5-1 mm long, surface matt, ± striate or minutely scabrid, reddish-pruinose, margins knobbly or glomerulate, granular-sorediate. Soredia concolorous with thallus in minute elliptical soralia or sometimes with a few farinose yellow-soredia present also. Apothecia not seen.

S: Canterbury, Otago. On rock debris or on mosses in sub-alpine and alpine habitats east of the Main Divide.


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