Teloschistes Norman
Thallus fruticose or subfruticose, flattened and dorsiventral to terete and ± richly branching, often with marginal fibrils or cilia. Upper surface yellow- orange (containing parietin, K+ purple), often sorediate, without isidia, maculae or pseudocyphellae. Photobiont green, Trebouxia. Apothecia sessile or stalked, lecamorine, disc yellow or orange. Ascospores colourless, oblong-ellipsoid, polaribilocular, 8 per ascus. Pycnidia in small warts.
Teloschistes is a cosmopolitan genus of c. 20 species included in the family Teloschistaceae. Six species are known in New Zealand. Australasian species in the genus are discussed by Murray [ T.R.S.N.Z. (Bot.) 88: 203-209 (1960)], Filson [ Muelleria 2: 65-115 (1969)] and Filson and Rogers ["Lichens of South Australia", pp. 161-163 (1979)].