Sedum dasyphyllum
ζ*S. dasyphyllum L. ζ* has only been collected near Port Nelson and N. of Oamaru, S. Canterbury, where it grew on coastal cliffs many years ago. It is fairly common in cultivation and small fragments root very easily, but it does not flower freely. A small, tufted or mat-forming perennial with glandular- hairy stems to 5 cm high; lvs 3-4 mm long, thick and broadly ellipsoid or ellipsoid-obovoid, glaucous, covered with glandular papillae and with glandular hairs (the only sp. wild in N.Z. with hairy lvs); cyme with few fls, on a slender ebracteate hairy peduncle; petals 4-5 mm long, ovate, pinkish outside, white inside. (Europe, N. Africa, 1959).