Neopanax colensoi (Hook.f.) Allan
Panax colensoi Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. 1, 1853, 94, t. 21.
Nothopanax colensoi (Hook. f.) Seem. in J. Bot., Lond. 4, 1866, 296.
Type locality: Ruahine Range? Type: K, "1529, Panax intermedia n. sp. Col."
Shrub or tree, us. completely dioec., up to 5 m. or more tall, glab. in all parts; branches stout, spreading. Lvs 3-5-foliolate, lflts sessile or subsessile, narrow-obovate to obovate-cuneate or broad elliptic-oblong, coriac., coarsely serrate to serrate-dentate in upper half, acute to obtuse; terminal lamina 5-17 × 2-11 cm.; midrib distinct above and below, veinlets obscure; petiole stout, 5-20 cm. long or more, stipulately sheathing at base. Umbels compound, sts reduced; primary rays c. 8, secondary rays c. 10-12, umbellules 5-10-fld. Calyx truncate to minutely 5-toothed; petals 5, ovate to triangular, acute. Ovary 2-loculed, 2-ovuled; style-branches 2, finally spreading. Fr. 4-6 mm. diam., somewhat compressed, almost black.
DIST.: N., S., St. Lowland to montane forest and scrub and lower subalpine scrub, from lat. 36° southwards.
FL.- FT. (6)-10-3.