Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Parochetus communis D.Don

*P. communis D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal.  240  (1825)

shamrock pea

Stems almost glabrous to sparsely pilose, rooting at nodes. Lvs sparsely to moderately hairy on petiole and undersurface of leaflets, almost glabrous above; petioles c. 30-140 mm long; leaflets broadly obovate-cuneate, obtuse to emarginate, entire, often with light and dark markings, c. 10-25 mm long; petiolules ± equal, < 1 mm long; stipules ovate, acute, entire. Peduncles usually almost glabrous, ± = or > petioles. Infl. 1-2-flowered. Calyx ± glabrous or sparsely hairy, somewhat gibbous at base; calyx teeth unequal; lower teeth longer. Corolla usually cobalt-blue, rarely white or blue and white, c. 18-22 mm long. Pod glabrous, 18-25 mm long; seeds mottled, c. 2 mm long.

N.: vicinity of Auckland City, Tokomaru Bay (East Cape), Wellington City and Hutt Valley; S.: Westport, locally common in Westland, Dunedin; St.: Halfmoon Bay.

E. Africa, Asia 1944

Moist, often shady situations in waste places, on banks and at forest margins.

FL Dec-Sep.

The shamrock pea is vegetatively similar to some Trifolium spp., but the fls and pods are quite distinctive.

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