Tapellaria phyllophila (Stirt.) R.Sant.
Lecidea phyllophila Stirton, Proc. phil. Soc. Glasg. 10: 298 (1877).
Neotype: New Zealand, near Wellington. Colonial Knob on Polystichum hispidum. H.H. Allan, UPS.
Thallus 5-10(-20) mm diam., continuous or at periphery dispersed into rounded patches of varying size connected by a thin prothallus, greyish-white to grey, sometimes with a greenish tinge, smooth, matt or subnitid, foliicolous. Apothecia strongly constricted at base, 0.3-0.8 mm diam., round or somewhat irregular at margins, scattered, disc black, epruinose, plane at first with a thin, black margin, becoming convex and immarginate. Hypothecium dark purplish- brown, 20-90 µm thick. Ascospores 2-4, rarely 6 or 8 per ascus, muriform with 15-30 transverse and 1-3 longitudinal septa, narrowly ellipsoid to almost cylindrical, 50-105 × 9-17 µm. Pycnidia scanty, often absent, sessile or with immersed bases, globose, 60-70 µm diam., bluish-black, scattered. Conidia simple, dumb-bell to flask-shaped, 5-6 × 1-1.5 µm.
N: Wellington (Feilding, Kitchener Park, Totara Reserve, Colonial Knob). On leaves of Beilschmiedia tawa, Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum, Metrosideros scandens, Lophomyrtus bullata, Polystichum hispidum.
Original material of Stirton's Lopadium phyllophilum is preserved in WELT in the Buchanan herbarium. This was not seen by Santesson ( loc. cit. ).