Theleophyton billardierei (Moq.) Moq.
Obione billardieri Moq. Chen. Mon. En. 1840, 72.
Atriplex (Theleophyton) chrystallina Hook.f. in Lond. J. Bot. 6, 1847, 279.
Monoec. prostrate to decumbent much-branched herbs; main root rather slender; branches up to ± 4 dm. long, light to yellowish brown, becoming glab.; branchlets soft, clad in bladdery papillae. Lvs on papillose short-petioles to subsessile; lamina fleshy, densely clad in bladdery papillae; 6-15 × 3-10 mm., ovate-oblong to obovate to elliptic; entire to sinuate. ♂ solitary, axillary, or 2-5 in a cluster, towards tips of branches; per. segs oblong, obtuse; stamens 5. ♀ solitary or 2-3 together, in axils of lower lvs, shortly peduncled; bracteoles connate into urceolate, 2-lipped envelopement of fr. Per. 0, styles 2. Seed erect, compressed, edges opp. lips, ± 2 × 1·5 mm., reddish brown.
DIST.: N., S., St., Ch. Coastal sands, occ. from near North Cape southwards.