Sidalcea malviflora
ζ*Sidalcea malviflora (DC.) A. Gray ζ* has been collected only once, from waste land in Riccarton, Christchurch, in 1977. An erect perennial herb; lvs with appressed hairs, becoming glabrous; basal lvs suborbicular, cordate, not lobed or shallowly lobed, serrate; stem lvs c. 10-50 mm long, usually deeply 5-lobed and serrate, or divided to base into oblong or linear segments; fls in terminal, often branched, loose racemes; epicalyx 0; calyx evenly 5-toothed, campanulate, moderately hairy; petals pink, c. 15 mm long; fr. of 5-9, 1-seeded, glabrous, reticulate, awnless mericarps arranged in a single flat whorl and separating from the axis at maturity. An escape from cultivation. (Coastal S.W. North America, 1981).