Ipomoea palmata
I. pendula R. Br. Prodr 1810, 486.
I. tuberculata Roem. et Schult. Syst. Veg. 4, 1819, 208.
Slender glab. liane or scrambling herb or softly woody plant; stems up to ± 3 m. long, becoming ± tuberculate, ribbed, branching. Lvs on slender petioles up to 5 cm. long, sts with minute palmate lvs at base. Lamina (2.5)-4-8 cm. diam., subcoriac., digitately 5-7-lobed almost to base; lobes lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, obtuse to subacute to acuminate, sts with filiform apiculus, entire or outer ones again ± lobed. Peduncles ± erect, up to 5 cm. long, 1-3-fld, pedicels up to c. 3 cm. long. Sepals 6-10 mm. long, ovate, obtuse to subacute. Corolla 5-8 cm. diam., pale purple with darker throat. Capsule c. 12 mm. diam., ovoid-globose, glab., 2-loculed; seeds 2-4, almost villous.
DIST.: K., Three Kings, N. Coastal cliffs and banks and old fore-dunes to c. lat. 35° 30'.
FL. 12-4. Abundant in tropical and subtropical regions.