Lichens A-Pac (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition A-Pac
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Calicium adspersum subsp. australe

C. adspersum ssp.australe Tibell, Publ. Herb. Univ. Uppsala 12: 1 (1984).

Description : Flora (1985: 55). See also Tibell (1987: 23–24).

Chemistry : Thallus K+ red, Pd+ yellow to orange, C−; containing norstictic acid (thallus) and vulpinic acid (apothecia).

N: South Auckland (Mt Honokawa), Gisborne (Mt Hikurangi, Lake Waikaremoana), Hawke's Bay (Black Birch Ra.), Wellington (Kaimanawa Ra. to Tararua Ra.). S: Nelson (Tasman Mts, Lake Rotoiti), Canterbury Arthur's Pass, Cass), Otago (Cameron Flat near Makarora, Owaka), Southland (Longwood Ra., Clifden). On lignum of beech (Nothofagus fusca, N. menziesii, N. solandri) in moderate shade, 800–1370 m. Known also from Australia (Tibell 1987; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).


Illustrations : Tibell (1987: 24, fig. 4, 25, fig. 5); Malcolm & Malcolm (2000: 17); Malcolm & Malcolm (2001: 33).

Calicium adspersum var. australe is a very variable taxon, easily recognised by its high apothecia with a strong yellow pruina on the lower side of the capitulum, the K+ red thallus, and the very distinctive spiral ornamentation of the spores.

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