Chordospartium stevensonii Cheeseman
Type locality: near mouth of Clarence River, 450 to 750 m. Type: A, "Foothills of the Seaward Kaikoura Mountains, near the mouth of the Clarence River, altitude 1500-2500 ft.: Mr. George Stevenson!"
Tree up to 8 m. tall, trunk up to c. 3 dm. diam. Branches pend., branchlets slender, deeply grooved, nearly terete, c. 1·75 mm. diam. Racemes solitary or fascicled, up to 8 cm. long; peduncle densely pilose, pedicels very short. Fls c. 9 mm. long, pale lavender; calyx cup-shaped, pilose, teeth minute; standard orbicular, reflexed; wings dolabriform, falcate, obtuse, < keel; keel incurved, obtuse, about = standard. Ovary silky-pubescent; style long, slender, incurved, ovules up to 5. Pods c. 5 mm. long, turgid, rhomboid to suborbicular; seed us. solitary.
DIST.: S. Alluvial soil along tributaries of the Wairau, Awatere and Clarence rivers.
For a discussion of this sp. see Martin (J. N.Z. Inst. Hort. 6, 1935, 23-27).