Apium australe Thouars
A. prostratum Labill. Relat. 1, 1799, 141 (nomen nudum).
A. prostratum Labill. Nov. Holl. Pl. Sp. 1, 1804, 76, t. 103.
Petroselinum prostratum DC. Prodr. 4, 1830, 102.
Glab. perennial herb with stout deeply descending taproot up to c. 3 cm. diam. near often multicipital stock. Stems rather stout, sts up to ± 2 cm. diam. near base, grooved, sparingly to much branched, decumbent, up to c. 5 dm. long. Lvs on stout petioles up to c. 10 cm. long, sheathing at base. Lamina up to 4 cm. long, coriac., ± fleshy, shining, irregularly 2-3-pinnate. Lflts sessile or on petiolules up to 1 cm. long, irregularly 3-5-partite; segs broad or narrow, incised or deeply lobed; teeth crenate-dentate. Umbels subsessile, up to c. 15 mm. diam., (3)-4-8-(15)-rayed, rays up to c. 5 cm. long. Secondary umbels us. developed, rays 5-7, c. 6 mm. long. Petals white. Fr. broad-ovoid, glab., 2-3 mm. long; mericarps with prominent, thick, blunt ribs; vittae obscure.
DIST.: K, Three Kings, N., S., St., Ant., Ch. Coastal throughout, also widespread in southern hemisphere.
FL. 12-2. FT. 1-4.
Separable into 2 main groups, but intermediate forms (probably hybrids) occur; the groups with the range of the sp.