Anisotome diversifolia (Cheeseman) Cockayne
Ligusticum diversifolium Cheesem. Man. N.Z.Fl.1906, 1139.
Type locality: "Shingle-slopes on Mount Robert (overlooking Lake Rotoiti), alt. 4000 ft." Type A, F. G. Gibbs.
Similar in size, colouring, fleshiness and habit to A. carnosula. Radical lvs several, cauline lvs or bracts us. 1-3. Umbels solitary, compound, bisexual, (2)-3-5-(8) cm. diam.; sts small, simple or compound umbels occur in axils of cauline lvs. Primary rays 6-12, stout, stiff; involucral bracts 4-6, linear, acute, entire or occ. forked at tips, slightly but distinctly surpassing umbel. Secondary umbels small, with 8-12 linear, entire bracts. Calyx-teeth rather prominent; petals white or occ. pink-flushed. Fr.?
DIST.: S. Higher montane to subalpine debris slopes: St. Arnaud Range, Mount Robert, Gordon's Knob.
Cheeseman (loc. cit.) says of the involucral bracts, "much shorter than the umbel"; in specimens collected by Gibbs on Mount Robert they distinctly overtop the umbel.