Amaranthus deflexus L.
prostrate amaranth
Annual or short-lived perennial with green or brownish procumbent or decumbent branched stems often forming large mats. Petioles to c. 2.5 cm long, ± puberulent. Lamina 0.5-4-(6) × 0.3-2.25-(3) cm, sometimes larger on vegetative shoots, ovate, triangular-ovate, to rhombic, glabrous above except for midrib, sometimes puberulent on veins below, sometimes glabrate; base cuneate; apex obtuse to acute. Infl. a terminal spike, often interrupted; lateral branches below with short lateral spikes in upper lf-axils. Bracteoles 1-1.5-(2) mm long, ovate, keeled, green, glabrous. Tepals 2-3, scarcely > bracteoles, oblong, linear-oblong, or oblong-spathulate, keeled, mucronate. Fr. ellipsoid, compressed, smooth, indehiscent, with 3 longitudinal lines, 1.5-2× perianth when mature. Seed 0.8-1-(1.1) mm diam., broadly obovoid, dark brown, only occupying part of lower 1/2 of capsule.
N.: locally common to abundant from the Waikato southwards, less common northwards to N. Auckland; S.: common or very common in Nelson, Marlborough, N. and C. Canterbury, less common southwards to Otago.
Probably tropical America 1896
Waste places, especially on shingle or gravel, particularly around settled areas.
FL Nov-May.