Rhagodia triandra (G.Forst.) Aellen
Chenopodium triandrum Forst. f. Prodr. 1786, 21.
Rhagodia nutans Cheesem. In T.N.Z.I. 16, 1884, 408 non R. Br. Prodr. 1810, 404.
Type: K, Forster. There are 3 pieces in flower.
Perennial polygamo-dioec. prostrate to sublianoid subshrub with slender, hard, woody, much and openly branched main stems up to 6 dm. long; branchlets very slender, ± mealy pubescent, sulcate, becoming glab. Lvs alt. or occ. subopp., distant, on mealy filiform petioles up to 5 mm. long; lamina thin, ovate to lanceolate, subhastate to truncate at base, 5-10-(25) × 3-7-(10) mm., acute; margins entire. Fls minute in small clusters in axillary and terminal simple or occ. branched spikes. Per. pale or flushed with red, segs 5, ovate, obtuse;♂ with us. 3 stamens; ♀ with 1-2 staminodes (some pollen occ. produced). Ovary with 2 styles; fr. globose, succulent, bright red, ± 3-4 mm. diam.; seeds black, pitted.
DIST.: K., N., S. Rocky and gravelly coastal places from near North Cape to a little south of lat. 44°. Recorded inland from an island in Waiau R., C. Christensen.
FL. 10-12. FT. 11-3.