Volume III (1980) - Flora of New Zealand Adventive Cyperaceous, Petalous & Spathaceous Monocotyledons
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Centrolepis Labill.


Small herbs, tufted annuals, or cushion-forming perennials. Leaves linear-filiform and crowded at base of stem, or, in perennial cushion plants, densely imbricate up stem, with stiff, terete, compressed or channelled laminae. Flowers numerous, in a terminal complex "spike" within 2 ± opposite, unequal glume-like bracts. Pseudanthia (partial inflorescences) within each bract 1-8- (20), each with 1-3, or 0 hyaline bracteoles. Male flowers 1 or 0 per pseudanthium with 1-celled anther. Female flowers (1) -2-20 in each pseudanthium, ± connate and superposed in 1-2 rows, all styles free or ± connate at base. Fruit dehiscing longitudinally. Spp. c. 25 of Australia, N.Z., Malaysia and S.E. Asia. C. strigosa of Australia is now regarded as adventive in N.Z., the other 3 N.Z. spp. are endemic.


Leaves ciliate throughout or ciliate on sheaths only
Leaves glabrous throughout
Leaf-sheath ciliate, lamina glabrous
Leaf-sheath and lamina both ciliate
Leaves densely imbricate up stem; perennial, cushion-forming
Leaves crowded at stem base; annual, tufted