Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Clematis forsteri J.F.Gmel.

C. forsteri Gmel. Syst. Nat. ed. 13, 1791, 873.

C. hexapetala Linn. f. Suppl. Pl. 1781, 271 and

C. hexapetala Forst. f. Prodr. 1786, 42 non Pallas Reise Prov. russ. Reichs 3, 1776, 735, t. Q, f. 2.

C. hexasepala DC. Syst. 1,1817, 146.

C. colensoi Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. 1, 1852, 6, t. 1.

Liane of lower stature and more slender habit than C. paniculata; branchlets grooved, glab. Lvs 3-foliolate, on rather slender petioles c. 4-6 cm. long. Lflts on slender petiolules c. 1·5-2 cm. long; bright green, thinly coriac., glab., 3-8 × 1-4·5 cm., narrow- to broad-ovate, obtuse to acute or subacuminate, cordate at base, crenate or crenately lobed, lobes often apiculate. Subfloral lvs smaller, often entire or sub-entire. Infl. axillary, us. ample, the peduncles simple or branched, ± pubescent, up to 10 cm. long; bracts narrow-ovate, acute to acuminate. Fls fragrant. ♂ c. 3-4 cm. diam.; sepals white, 5-8, narrow-ovate to narrow-oblong, glabrate to ± pubescent without; 2-2.5 cm. × 5-8 mm. Stamens ∞, filaments c.1 cm. long; anthers narrow-oblong, c. 3 mm. long. ♀ smaller, sepals 5-8, elliptic to narrow-ovate, c. 1·5-2 cm. × 5 mm., ± pubescent without. Stamens us. abortive. Achenes c. 3 mm. long; pubescent, becoming glab.; style plumose, c. 3 cm. long.

DIST.: N., S. Lowland forest, especially marginally, from lat. 36° to 41° 30'.

FL. 9-11. FT. 11-1.

HETEROBLASTY: Passes through similar stages to those of C. paniculata, the seedlings with linear lvs up to 10 cm. × 4 mm.; sts fls in lobulate stage. Non-flowering forms with lflts up to 12 × 6·5 cm., with 1 or 2 very deep broad lobes, have been noted.

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