Hedera helix L.
Climbing perennial. Stems up to 30 m long, creeping or climbing, becoming stouter and ± erect and often arborescent at flowering; young shoots and petioles green to purplish or burgundy red, with few to numerous, (3)-6-16-(20)-rayed stellate or scale-like hairs. Lvs glabrous, dark green or variegated ivory white; lvs of non-flowering shoots broadly ovate, obtuse to acuminate, obtuse to cordate at base, usually shallowly to moderately 3-5-palmately-lobed, (1.5)-3-15-(20) cm long; lvs of flowering shoots ovate, rhombic, or elliptic, often narrower and more crowded than lvs of non-flowering shoots, acute to acuminate, obtuse at base, not lobed, up to c. 15 cm long. Infl. a raceme of numerous-flowered globose umbels; petals yellowish green, 3-5 mm long. Fr. deep bluish purple to black when ripe, 2-3- seeded, 5-8 mm diam.
Two subspp., often accorded specific rank, may be recognised among N.Z. naturalised plants. Fig. 14 illustrates the hair types.
Fig. 14. Hair types in Hedera helix. A subsp. canariensis, scale-like hair; B subsp. helix, stellate hair. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X45]