Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Staurothele humistrata Zahlbr.

S. humistrata Zahlbr., Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-naturwiss. Kl. 104: 251 (1941).

Lectotype: New Zealand, Hawke's Bay, Te Puia, North of Gisborne. On earth covering rock crevices in Leptospermum shrubland. H.H. Allan W 32, CHR 378140.

Thallus spreading, peltate, squamulose or appressed-foliose 1-3 cm diam., dirty brownish, or olivaceous to dark red-brown, matt, subgelatinous when wet, subgranular, continuous to ± areolate, terricolous. Perithecia semi-immersed or ± papillate, black, convex, shining 0.3-0.5 mm diam., apical pore narrow. Hymenial algae green, minute, globose 1-2 µm diam., crowded. Ascospores 2 per ascus, greyish-brown, ellipsoid, apices rounded contents granular, straight, muriform (5-12 transverse septa and 1-4 vertical septa), 36-44 × 16-23 µm.

N: Hawke's Bay. S: Canterbury. On soil in dryish, scrubby areas often in water drainage channels on rock faces.


This taxon is probably more correctly referred to the genus Endocarpon Hedwig.

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