Baloghia inophylla (G.Forst.) P.S.Green
brush bloodwood
Glabrous monoecious tree; sap dark red. Twigs rounded, smooth. Lvs opposite, elliptic to obovate, cuneate at base, obtuse and broadly mucronate, entire, 5-14-(20) cm long; petioles much < blade; stipules soon deciduous. Racemes usually unisexual; bracts soon deciduous; fls white; stamens numerous. Fr. rough, ridged on keels and between cells, shortly beaked, c. 15-20 mm diam. Seeds smooth, ovoid-oblong, c. 10 mm long.
N.: known from Kawau Id, E. North Auckland, also recorded once from Auckland City.
E. Australia, Norfolk Id, New Caledonia 1981
Well established in exotic forest.
Brush bloodwood is cultivated in other parts of the northern North Id. The red sap distinguishes this sp. from other N.Z. Euphorbiaceae. It has been known previously as B. lucida.