Myoporum laetum G.Forst.
Type locality: "Nova Zeelandia". Type: G. Endemic.
Tree up to c. 10 m. tall; trunk up to 3 dm. or more diam.; bark brownish, furrowed; branches stout, spreading; branchlets at tip and lvs in bud viscid. Plant often low-growing in exposed coastal places. Lvs on petioles, somewhat flattened, up to c. 3 cm. long. Lamina bright green, glab., sub-fleshy, ± 4-10 × (1)-2-3 cm.; lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate or oblong to obovate, acute to acuminate; margins crenulate-serrulate in upper half, sinuate in lower half, or sinuate throughout (different forms often on same plant). Fls 2-6 together in reduced axillary cymes on peduncles up to c. 15 mm. long. Calyx-teeth ± 2 mm. long, narrow-lanceolate, acuminate. Corolla white, purple-spotted, campanulate, ± 10 mm. diam.; lobes villous on upper surface. Stamens 4, ovary 4-loculed. Drupe narrow-ovoid, ± 6-9 mm. long, pale to dark reddish purple.
DIST.: K, Three Kings, N., S., Ch. Coastal to lowland forest, especially marginal, to lat. 46°, but rare in southern part of range. Ngaio.
FL. 10-1. FT. 12-6.