Liverworts v1 (2008) - A Flora of the Liverworts and Hornworts of New Zealand Volume 1
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Scapania (Dumort.) Dumort.

Sect. Scapania

“Gruppe”Undulata-Dentata Müll.Frib. in Rabenhorst, Krypt.-Fl. Deutschland 6(2): 432. 1915, p. p.

Sect.Undulatae Buch, Soc. Sci. Fennica, Comm. Biol. 3(1): 135. 1928.

Potemkin (1998, p. 47) pointed out “the correct name of the section is Scapania, not Undulatae, because its type, S. undulata, is the type of the genus.”

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