Menegazzia castanea
Holotype: New Zealand. Otago, Old Man Ra., on sheltered side of schist outcrop with Thamnolia vermicularis and Usnea ciliata, 1200 m, 1.ii.1963, P.W. James – BM.
Description : Flora (1985: 279–280).
Chemistry : Medulla K+ yellow-orange, C−, KC+ orange, Pd+ orange; containing stictic, constictic and menegazziaic acids and accessory compounds.
S: Canterbury (Godley Valley, Kirkliston Ra.) to Southland. E of the Main Divide, alpine or subalpine on rock, occasionally on soil or among mosses on soil, 1000–2000 m in New Zealand, lower in the subantarctic islands. C: (Mt Honey). M: Also known from Tasmania where it is uncommon (James & Galloway 1992: 226; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).
Illustration : James & Galloway (1992: 227, fig. 84B).
Menegazzia castanea is the sorediate counterpart of M. aeneofusca. The development of soredia resembles that of M. nothofagi (which also occurs in similar habitats), in the bursting of coarse swellings from the upper surface, producing coarse, granular soredia surrounded by torn edges of the upgrowth. M. nothofagi has narrower lobes (0.5–0.8 mm), with a plane or concave surface and is mostly green in colour.