Menegazzia ultralucens
Holotype: New Zealand. Auckland Is, Rose I., Observation Point, on Myrsine scrub, 8.i.1963, P.W. James 992/2A – BM.
Description : Flora (1985: 290).
Chemistry : Medulla K−, C−, KC+ pink, Pd−, UV+ ice-blue; containing alectoronic and α-collatollic acids and a UV− accessory compound.
N: Wellington (York Bay). S: Nelson (Stillwater), Canterbury (Kaituna Valley Banks Peninsula), Otago (Upper Olivine Valley), Southland (Lake Hauroko). A: A rather rarely collected epiphyte of Dacrycarpus dacrydioides, Dacrydium cupressinum, Myrsine and Nothofagus bark, coastal to subalpine. Known also from Tasmania where it is rare (James & Galloway 1992: 245; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).
Illustration : James & Galloway (1992: 243, fig. 89D).
Menegazzia ultralucens is the sorediate counterpart of chemodeme 2 of M. lucens (q.v.). It is distinguished from other sorediate species in the genus by the UV+ ice-blue reaction of the medulla (alectoronic acid). It occurs in similar habitats to M. lucens but appears to be much more rare.