Menegazzia aeneofusca
≡Parmelia aeneofusca Müll.Arg., Flora 66: 77 (1883).
Description : Flora (1985: 277).
Chemistry : Medulla K+ yellow-orange, C−, KC+ orange, Pd+ orange; containing stictic, constictic, norstictic and menegazziaic acids and accessory compounds.
S: Nelson (St Arnaud Ra.), Canterbury (Godley Valley) E of Main Divide to Otago (Dart River, Old Man Ra., Rock & Pillar Ra., Dansey's Pass). St: (Mt Anglem, Glory Cove). Alpine–subalpine on rocks or among mats of Andreaea, 700–2000 m (s.l. at Glory Cove). Known also from SE Australia and Tasmania (James & Galloway 1992: 225; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).
Menegazzia aeneofusca is characterised by: the saxicolous/muscicolous habit; its ±regular thallus rosettes; the dark colour; and 2-spored asci. M. aeneofusca and its sorediate counterpart, M. castanea, are the only exclusively saxicolous species of the genus.