Clianthus puniceus var. maximus (Colenso) Kirk
C. maximus Col. in T.N.Z.I. 18, 1885, 294.
Stouter, up to 3 m. or more tall; lflts up to 4 cm. long; fls darker; standard broad-ovate, acuminate, often with dark blotch near base; wings broad-oblong, obtuse. Description based on plants provided by Maori.
A white-fld form is plentiful as a cultivated plant. Cheeseman (Man. N.Z. Fl. 1925, 527) states: "A white-flowered variety is said by the Maoris to grow on the Tiniroto Cliffs. Possibly this is the source of the white-flowered form sometimes grown in gardens, which I have proved to come true from seed." Hybrids of intermediate colour have been raised.
DIST.: N. Localities from East Cape southwards.