Einadia trigonos (Schult.) Paul G.Wilson subsp. trigonos
Stems prostrate or decumbent, often dark purple; rootstock stout. Petiole usually 3-10 mm long. Lamina ± hastate, broadly ovate, or elliptic. Perianth segments 0.3-0.6 mm long, linear to spathulate, not touching, usually slightly investing fr. Pericarp easily removed. Testa finely granular or furrowed.
S.: Taitapu to Leeston (Christchurch area, Canterbury).
Australia 1968
Sheltered, waste ground near buildings and hedges and open, dry rocky slopes.
FL Dec-Apr.
subsp. stellulata superficially resembles the indigenous E. triandra but lacks the fleshy crimson frs of that sp. It is probably a recent accidental introduction. This subsp. is treated as Chenopodium stellulatum (Benth.) Aellen in most Australian Floras and has been recorded as such in N.Z.