Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Anogramma leptophylla (L.) Link

A. leptophylla (L.) Link Fil. Sp. 1841, 137.

Polypodium leptophyllum L.

Grammitis leptophylla Swartz Syn. Fil. 1806, 218.

Gymnogramme leptophylla Desv. J. Bot. 1, 1813, 26.

G. novae-zelandiae Col. in Tasm. J. nat. Sci. 2, 1846, 165.

Rhizome very short, weak, ascending, bearing linear ferruginous hairs; stipites tufted. Stipes filiform to very slender, nude except at very base, pale to rather dark brown, shining, 1-6 cm. long. Rhachis filiform to very slender, nude, with rather distant pinnae. Lamina pinnate to subbipinnate, narrow- to ovate-oblong, pale green, flaccid, glab., 1-8 cm. long. Pinnae 5-20 mm., stalked, flabellate-cuneate, deeply lobed, decurrent; lobes rounded, apiculate or not; pinnae sts again flabellately divided to subpinnate. Sporangia pale, clustered on veins, often covering most of lobe. Sts only the inner laminae are fertile.

DIST.: N., S. Lowland to montane dry rocky and grassy places from lat. 36º 30' to 46º; local, in S., east of divide. Also Australia, Tasmania, S. America, Europe, Africa, India.

Colenso's G. novae-zelandiae was described from specimens gathered "in sheltered grassy spots among scoriae, on dry volcanic hills, between Manukau Bay and Tamatu Creek, 1841." The sheet in W with a printed label "TYPE" is labelled by Colenso "on dry grassy hills near Tamaki Creek, Thames, 1842." Stipes dark brown, rather stouter than in most forms, up to 4·5 cm. long; lamina up to 4 cm. long, pinnae again pinnate in lower portion.

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