Cyathea Sm.
Characters as given above. As here treated includes Cyathea sens. strict. (indusium complete, covering sorus when young, persisting as a ± split cup surrounding sorus), Hemitelia R. Br. 1810 (indusium incomplete, not covering sorus when young, at most half surrounding sorus), Alsophila R. Br. 1810 (indusium absent). The family is likely to be again split up on different lines.
Lamina membr., soft; paleae at base of stipes chestnut-brown or paler, shining, lanceolate-subulate; indusium semi-circular to vestigial
Caudex stout; bases of stipites persistent; rhachides and costae slightly grooved; lamina segs 10-15 mm. long
Caudex slender; bases of stipites not persistent; rhachides and costae deeply grooved; lamina segs 8-9 mm. long
Lamina coriac.; stipes almost black, strongly tuberculate, not clad in yellowish hairs
Lamina submembr.; stipes paler, only slightly tuberculate; ± clad in yellowish hairs
The Kermadec spp. have been closely studied by Oliver (T.N.Z.I. 42, 1910, 157-158) and I follow his descriptions.