Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Korthalsella salicornioides (A.Cunn.) Tiegh.

K. salicornioides (A. Cunn.) Tiegh. in Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. 43, 1896, 164.

Viscum salicornoides A. Cunn. in Ann. nat. Hist. 2, 1839, 208.

Type locality: "Keri-Keri river, Bay of Islands". Type: K, "On twigs of Kahikitra [L. scoparium] . . . 1834, R. Cunningham."

Plant (3)-5-10 cm. long, us. much-branched, branches us. at a narrow angle. Internodes terete, subsucculent, (3)-5-8-(10) × 1-2-3 mm., narrowed to the slightly constricted node, becoming furrowed when dry. Collar truncate, ± 0·5 mm. long, sheathing node. Flowering parts little differentiated from barren, (3)-5-8-(10) × 1 mm. Fr. ovoid to globular, up to 1·5 mm. long.

DIST.: N., S. Spirits' Bay to about lat. 46°. Not uncommon on Leptospermum spp., individuals often heavily infested. Also occurs on Dracophyllum spp. and Gaultheria spp.

FL.- FT. 11-2.

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