Hymenophyllum lyallii Hook.f.
Trichomanes lyallii Hook. et Baker Synopsis Fil. 1874, 77.
Sphaerocionium lyallii Cop. loc. cit. 67, 1938, 33.
Type locality: "Thomson's Sound, south-west coast". Type: K, Lyall. Endemic.
Rhizome filiform, sparsely clad in brownish hairs, especially at base of rather distant stipites, glabrate in age. Stipes filiform, 2-5 cm. long, bearing slender branched hairs. Rhachis hardly developed; veins radiating from base of lamina, several times forked, with or without hairs. Lamina delicate, pellucid, subreniform to oblong in outline, 1-3 cm. long and broad, flabellately divided into oblong segs, retuse at apex; segs distinctly to obscurely toothed, teeth with branched hairs. Sori immersed. Indusium obconic; mouth truncate to obscurely 2-lipped at apex, bearing delicate hairs. Receptacle not or barely exserted.
DIST.: N., S., St. Lowland to montane forests, epiphytic, from lat. 36º southwards; rare east of divide in S. Also in N.S.W.