Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Olea apetala

O. apetala Vahl Symb. bot. 3, 1794, 3.

Type locality: Norfolk Id.

Shrub or tree up to ± 6 m. tall, with spreading, sts tortuous, branches; bark greyish brown, furrowed. Lvs on stout petioles up to ± 10 mm. long; lamina of juveniles broad-oblong to ovate; of adults elliptic-oblong to ovate-elliptic, acute to acuminate, coriac., ± glossy, midrib prominent on both surfaces. Racemes slender, glab., ± 3-4 cm. long, 10-18-fld. Fls c.2.5 mm. diam.; ♂ on very slender pedicles; ♀ on slender pedicels; calyx unequally deeply cleft, ovate, subacuminate. Drupe ± 8-9 mm. long, oblong-ovoid.

DIST.: N. Whangarei Heads and Hen and Chickens, Great and Little Barrier, Fanal, Cuvier and Poor Knights Is; Bay of Islands, I. A. E. Atkinson, 1956.

FL. 10-12. FT. 1-?

Cranwell and Moore (Rec. Auck. Inst. Mus. 1, 1935, 309) have a note: "Male flowers, hitherto undescribed, were found here [Chicken Is] and on Taranga. The inflorescence is fugacious, bearing small, delicate leaves and two or three pairs of simple flowers. The only open flower found had three sepals and two large-anthered stamens, one abnormally lobed."

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