Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Ephebe fruticosa Henssen

E. fruticosa Henssen, Symb. bot. upsal. 18: 53 (1963).

Holotype: Tasmania, Sine loco. R. Brown 522, BM! (pr. p. No's 1, 3, 5, 6).

Thallus fruticose, erect to ± straggling, decumbent, in loosely spreading to ± pulvinate clumps or mats, 1-3 cm diam. Main branches terete, to 1 cm long and 0.05-0.1 mm thick, ± densely entangled with many short side branches or spinules giving the plant a bristling appearance, apices of lateral spinules, and of main branches attenuate, acute, surface smooth, glossy, black or olive-green or black. Apothecia not seen.

S: Southland, Lake Thomson, Fiordland, on mossy rocks in waterfull spray. Collected only once (P. W. James BM-NZ 665/1).


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