Ephebe ocellata Henssen
Holotype: New Zealand, Fiordland, Doubtful Sound, Deep Cove. On rocks near a waterfall. G. Einar Du Rietz 1933. 6, 1927, S!
Thallus thread-like, filiform, slightly branched, tangled, greenish-blue or blackish. Branches fine, cylindrical with small fibrillar outgrowths occasionally along the main axes. Apothecia lateral 0.2 mm wide. Asci cylindrical, 60 × 9 µm. Ascospores 16 per ascus, broadly oblong or ellipsoid 7-11 × 3.5-7 µm.
N: Northland (Kerikeri). S: Southland (Doubtful Sound, Deep Cove). On rocks in streams, or near flowing water or spray.
E. ocellata is a very small plant and is easily overlooked. It is probably widespread in New Zealand. It is known also from China and the United States.