Sophora prostrata Buchanan
S. tetraptera var. prostrata (Buchan.) Kirk For. Fl. 1889, 85.
Edwardsia prostrata (Buchan.) W. R. B. Oliver in T.N.Z.I. 53, 1921, 364.
Type locality: lower hills of Awatere Valley, Buchanan. There is a Hector and Buchanan specimen in K, "Awatere Valley, 800 to 1500 ft."
Prostrate to bushy shrub up to c. 2 m. tall, with densely divaricating branches, mature branchlets brown, glab. Lvs up to 2.5 cm. long, lflt-pairs up to 8, lflts c. 4 mm. long, oblong, glab. when mature except on midrib below, veins evident. Fls solitary, paired, or three together on slender silky-hairy peduncles, orange to brownish yellow, rarely bright yellow. Calyx appressed-hairy, c. 1 cm. long; standard up to 1·5 cm. long, slightly or distinctly shorter than wings; keel c. 2 cm. long. Pods up to 3-(5) cm. long, including beak, silky-hairy when young, up to 5-seeded, very narrowly winged. Seeds dark to reddish brown, c. 7 mm. long.
DIST.: S. Grassland and rocky places, lowland to montane, east of divide from lat. 41° to 45°.