Dichondra brevifolia Buchanan
D. repens var. brevifolia (Buchan.) Kirk in T.N.Z.I. 10, 1878, app. xxxvii.
Type locality: "Popotunoa, Otago. Pastures, in swampy places, mixed with D. repens". Type: OM, Buchanan Herb. Probably endemic.
Prostrate herb with rather close-set stems, branches and lvs often forming turfy patches; plant us. distinctly less hairy than D. repens. Petioles rather stout, flattened, up to c. 2 cm. long; lamina 3-6-(8) mm. diam., suborbicular to reniform, emarginate or rounded at apex, cordate, sinus rather shallow, rather broad. Peduncles short, erect, us. > lvs. Fls. c. 6·5 mm. diam.; sepals obovate, silky; corolla much > sepals, yellowish. Capsule = calyx.
DIST.: N., S., St. Coastal to montane grassland.
FL. 11-1.