Caesalpinia decapetala (Roth) Alston
Mysore thorn
Spinous scrambling shrub to c. 15 m tall; twigs moderately to densely puberulent, finely ribbed, rounded. Lvs 2-paripinnate; pinnae in (3)-5-10 pairs; leaflets with fine, usually appressed hairs, oblong, obtuse, entire, shortly petiolulate, 8-20 mm long, in 6-12 pairs; stipules ovate-lanceolate, deciduous; spines broad-based, recurved, present on stem and lf-rachis. Infl. axillary or terminal, racemose, many-flowered, > lvs; bracts and bracteoles deciduous. Calyx teeth unequal, rounded. Corolla pale yellow, c. 15 mm long. Pod broad, oblong, tardily dehiscent, few-seeded, 7-10 × 2-3 cm; seeds smooth, mottled brown, 8-10 mm long.
K.: an aggressive weed on Raoul Id, even invading forest.
Tropical Asia 1965
FL Nov.
Sykes (1977) discussed the introduction, naturalisation, and control of Mysore thorn on Raoul Id where it has established from plantings made late last century.