Phytolacca L.
Herbs or shrubs, occasionally trees, glabrous except for infl. Lvs thin and herbaceous. Fls ⚥ or unisexual, small, in terminal or subterminal, often spiciform and erect racemes. Perianth 5-merous, lobed, or with tepals almost free, coloured, often becoming dark red, ultimately reflexed. Stamens (5)-7-22-(33), 1-2-seriate, ± irregularly arranged on disc; anthers dorsifixed. Carpels 5-10-(16), whorled, connate laterally; whole ovary depressed, globose or subglobose. Fr. a berry, or berry-like drupe, longitudinally 5-10-grooved. Seed laterally compressed with asymmetric base.
c. 35 spp., mainly in tropical and subtropical America, a few in E. Asia. Naturalised spp. 3.
In addition to the 3 spp. described here the S. American P. dioica L., ombu, is sometimes cultivated in warmer parts of N.Z. This small spreading tree is dioecious, has very stout trunks with soft wood, pendulous racemes with carpels connate only at the base, and yellow frs.