Conyza Less.
Usually annual to perennial herbs, rarely shrubs. Lvs alternate, simple, entire, serrate or pinnatifid. Capitula few to numerous in panicles. Involucral bracts in 2-many rows, imbricate, the outer somewhat herbaceous, the inner mostly chartaceous. Receptacle ± flat; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, filiform or shortly ligulate, numerous, in 2-several rows; ligules white to purple. Inner florets ⚥, tubular, fewer than ♀. Achenes all similar, obovoid to cylindric, compressed, hairy, with 0-2 narrow ribs; pappus of scabrid hairs in 1 row, sometimes with a short outer row.
c. 50 spp., mainly tropical, extending to temperate America and Africa. Naturalised spp. 5.
The treatment adopted here follows that of Michael, P. W., Proc. 6th Asian- Pacific Weed Science Soc. Conf. 1 : 87-95 (1977), who considered spp. naturalised in the Asian-Pacific region. The 5 spp. naturalised in N.Z. are easily identified from fresh material but some useful characters are obscured by drying. Measurements given for capitula diameters are for fresh material at anthesis.
Fig. 19. Involucral bracts of Conyza. A C. bilbaoana; B C. parva. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X4A]