Calotis R.Br.
Usually annual or perennial herbs, occasionally subshrubs. Lvs alternate, simple, entire to deeply pinnatifid. Capitula solitary or in cymose or racemose panicles. Involucral bracts in 2-3-(4) rows, imbricate, herbaceous to chartaceous. Receptacle hemispheric; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, ligulate, few to numerous in 1-several rows; ligules yellow, white, pink, mauve or blue. Inner florets usually ♂, sometimes ⚥, tubular, many. Achenes all similar, narrowed to base, compressed, glabrous or hairy, smooth or tuberculate; pappus usually of rigid, barbed awns, occasionally with scales alternating with awns, occasionally of hairs or 0.
25 spp., mainly Australia, also Asia. Naturalised sp. 1.