Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Solenogyne Cass.


Perennial herbs. Lvs mostly basal, simple, crenate to pinnatifid, reduced to alternate scales on peduncles. Capitula solitary and axillary from basal rosette. Involucral bracts in 2-4 rows, imbricate, herbaceous with membranous margins. Receptacle slightly convex; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, filiform or with rudimentary ligules, numerous in several rows. Inner florets ♂, tubular, fewer than ♀. Achenes all similar, subfalcate, not conspicuously beaked, compressed, with 2 narrow ribs; pappus 0.


Upper surface of lf almost or quite glabrous; lf teeth in 6-15 pairs
Upper surface of lf pilose; lf teeth or lobes in 1-6 pairs or lvs ± entire
Lvs pilose on lower surface, crenate with 1-6 pairs of teeth or rarely entire, 20-60-(80) mm long
Lvs almost or quite glabrous on lower surface, pinnatifid with mostly 2-3 pairs of lobes, c. 10-15 mm long

4 spp., Australia, Japan. Naturalised spp. 3.

Drury, D. G., New Zealand J. Bot. 12 : 365-396 (1974), made a detailed comparison of Solenogyne and Lagenifera sect. Lagenifera. He recognised 3 groups, one of which included all Solenogyne spp. along with 3 Lagenifera spp. Although these Lagenifera spp. share several character states with Solenogyne they are clearly distinguished by other characters used by Drury and some characters traditionally used to separate the 2 genera but not considered by Drury. The problem of the status of Solenogyne will probably be solved only by comparison with other genera in the Astereae; meanwhile it seems best to retain the genus in its strict sense. Adams, L. G., Brunonia 2 : 43-65 (1979), also considered the generic status of Solenogyne and revised the genus for Australia.

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