Euphrasia cockayneana Petrie
Slender, erect, ± succulent annual herb 5-10 cm tall, sparingly branched from base; branches pilose with lax transparent hairs and usually dense long jointed glandular hairs. Lvs sessile, 4-12 × 3-10 mm, broadly ovate, cuneate-obovate to suborbicular with 2-4 pairs of subacute to acute teeth, usually densely glandular-pilose and with smaller eglandular hairs. Fls sessile or on pedicels to 4 mm long. Calyx 5-8 mm long, with hairs as on lvs, divided ?-1/2 way. Corolla bright yellow, 10-12 mm long. Anthers golden yellow; margins hairy; awns usually very unequal. Capsule > calyx, 5-8 × 4-5 mm.
S.: N.W. Nelson (Matiri Range) and mountains of the Main Divide in and around Arthurs Pass National Park.
Montane to subalpine boggy and open places.
FL Jan-Mar.