Cladonia murrayi
Holotype: New Zealand. Southland, Doubtful Sound, Secretary I., [amongst moss in "Cladonia Gut" between rocks], 1000 m, ii.1959, J. Murray 4062 – CHR 257075. Isotype – BM. [The type specimen is remarkable in the strong development of basal squamules into distinctive thick cushions, very likely an adaptation to the particular habitat.]
Description : Flora (1985: 115–116). See also Archer (1992b: 130).
Chemistry : Cortex K+ yellow, C−, KC−, Pd+ yellow; containing thamnolic and decarboxythamnolic acids, ±skyrin (rhodophyscin).
N: Northland (Puketi Forest), Wellington (Ruahine Ra.). S: Nelson (Cobb Ridge), Westland (Great Unknown tarns Barlow River), Canterbury (Arthur's Pass). Otago (Forgotten River, Olivine Ledge, Key Summit, North Col, French Ridge, West Matukituki Valley, Kakanui Mts, Swampy Summit, Dunedin, Blue Mts), Southland (Cascade Creek, Mt Burns, Mt George). St: (Mt Anglem, Fright Cove Port Pegasus). C: (Lyall Ridge, Beeman Hill). In subalpine or alpine peat bogs, fellfield, on rotting logs at lower elevations, s.l. to 1500 m. Also in Tasmania (Archer 1986b, 1988, 1992b; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).
Illustrations : Martin (1962: 41, fig. 1A–C); Archer (1986b: 244, fig.1).
Cladonia murrayi is a very characteristic red-fruited species with conspicuous, confluent-conglomerate apothecia and long, well-developed basal squamules. It is distinguished from C. ustulata by the green scyphi and the absence of usnic acid.