Lichens A-Pac (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition A-Pac
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Cladonia aueri Räsänen

C. aueri Räsänen, Annls Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. fenn. Vanamo 2: 53 (1932).

Description : Flora (1985: 104–105).

Chemistry : Cortex K+ yellow, PD+ yellow; containing barbatic and thamnolic acids.

S: Nelson (St Arnaud Ra.), Canterbury (Temple Basin, Mt Peel, Ben Ohau Ra.), Otago (Mt Brewster, Park Pass, Chinaman Bluff Dart Valley, Kea Basin Rees Valley, Cone Peak Otekaike River, Dunstan Mts, Serpentine Diggings S Rough Ridge, Old Dunstan Road, Rock & Pillar Ra., Horse Ra., Mt Pisgah Kakanui Mts, Stoneburn, Pulpit Rock Silver Peaks, Swampy Summit, Maungatua, Blue Mts) and Southland (Seaward Bush, Longwood Ra., Manapouri, Mt Burns, Eglinton Valley, Waitutu Terraces). St: (Mt Anglem, Deceit Peaks). On exposed peaty upland to alpine soils, in cushion or fellfield vegetation. Known also from southern South America, Tierra del Fuego, Falkland Is, South Georgia & Macquarie I. (Ahti & Kashiwadani 1984; Filson & Archer 1986; Stenroos & Ahti 1991, 1992; Stenroos 1995; Øvstedal & Lewis Smith 2001).


Illustrations : Ahti & Kashiwadani (1984: 150, pl. I, fig. 2)

Cladonia aueri is characterised by: the lower third of podetia in mature specimens being bluish or blackened. C. aueri may be confused with C. subsubulata, which has the same chemistry. The axils and branches of C. subsubulata tend to swell at maturity, and the base of the podetia is never bluish or blackened. Immature specimens may be difficult to distinguish. Stenroos (1995: 108) synonymised austral material of C. aueri and also C. subantarctica Filson & A.W.Archer from Macquarie I. (Filson & Archer 1986: 230) under C. subsubulata, but I prefer to keep C. aueri separate.

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