Cladonia southlandica
Holotype: New Zealand. Southland, Awarua Plain, on peaty soil in clearings amongst manuka [Leptospermum scoparium], i.1961, W. Martin 8249 – CHR 233957.
Description : Flora (1985: 120–121).
Chemistry : Cortex K−, KC+ yellow, Pd+ red; containing usnic acid and fumarprotocetraric acid [the fumarprotocetraric acid occurs in the apices and may be overlooked (Ahti in Archer 1985b: 220)].
N: Northland (Awanui, Kaitaia, Karikari Peninsula), South Auckland (Te Moehau Coromandel Peninsula). S: Nelson (Lead Hills, Mt Technical), Westland (Kelly Ra., near Ross), Canterbury (Temple Basin Arthur's Pass, Craigieburn River), Otago (Rees Valley), Southland (Pukerau, Awarua Bay). St: (Glory Cove, Mt Allen, Tin Ra., Fraser Peaks, Fright Cove Port Pegasus). In alpine-subalpine habitats on peat soils amongst mounds of Sphagnum, rarely on decaying wood. Also in Australia (Archer 1985b, 1992b; McCarthy 2003c, 2006). For additional notes see Archer (1985b).
Illustrations : Martin (1962: 41, fig. 1E); Archer (1985b: 220, fig.1).
Cladonia southlandica is characterised by: the pale yellowish cortex; and the presence of usnic and fumarprotocetraric acids. Thalli are more robust than those of C. capitellata.