Lichens A-Pac (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition A-Pac
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Cladonia pulchra

C. pulchra S.Hammer, Bryologist 106 (3): 425 (2003).

Holotype: New Zealand. South Island, Nelson, Heaphy Track, c. 15 km N of Karamea, 41º00's, 172º07'E; 50–75 m, i.2001, S. Hammer 8043 – CHR. Isotype – FH.

Description : Primary thallus squamulose, squamules persistent or disappearing, to 3 mm long and 1–3 mm wide, deeply laciniate-lobulate to sinuate, marginally minutely lobulate, esorediate, ascending or adnate, olivaceous to brownish to glaucous-green above, subnitid, whitish below, ochraceous or brownish centrally, attached to substratum by masses of deeply embedded brownish hyphae. Podetia arising from margins or upper surface of basal squamules or partially buried in substratum, to 5 cm tall (usually much shorter), white to brownish, straight or sinuate, subulate or blunt-tipped, esorediate, ecorticate to corticate, especially towards base, unbranched to very sparingly branched near apices, branch axils closed or very rarely open, openings punctate, sometimes obscured by isidioid squamules, covered with minute, corticate granules or corticate, subisidioid, imbricating squamules, more abundant towards apices, generally isolated from one another, distinct and separate from cortical areas, persistent, sometimes with accessory lobules. Apothecia brown, solitary or in clusters at apices, 1–2 mm diam. Asci and ascospores not seen. Pycnidia sessile or on short, lichenised stalks, brown, obconical, rounded to acicular, not constricted at base.

Chemistry : Cortex K+ yellow, C−, KC+ yellow, Pd−, UV−; containing thamnolic acid.

S: Nelson (Heaphy Track, Mt Arthur). On peaty soil along tracks.


Illustrations : Hammer (2003b: 426, figs 31–34).

Cladonia pulchra is characterised by: the long, divided basal squamules and the presence of thamnolic acid.

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